Realtime Interaction Analysis of Social Interplay in a Multimodal Musical-Sonic Interaction Context

Anne-Marie Hansen

Research output: Contribution to conference without publisher/journalPosterResearchpeer-review


This paper presents an approach to the analysis of social
interplay among users in a multimodal interaction and
musical performance situation. The approach consists of a
combined method of realtime sensor data analysis for the
description and interpretation of player gestures and video
micro-analysis methods used to describe the interaction
situation and the context in which the social interplay takes
place. This combined method is used in an iterative process,
where the design of interactive games with musical-sonic
feedback is improved according to newly discovered
understandings and interpretations of joint user action.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date19 Sept 2010
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 19 Sept 2010


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