Time use and movement behaviour of young people in cities: The application of GPS tracking in tracing movement pattern of young people for a week in Aalborg

Henrik Harder, Akkelies van Nes, Anders Sorgenfri Jensen, Kristian Hegner Reinau, Michael Weber

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingArticle in proceedingResearchpeer-review

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This paper explores how well the space syntax methodology is capable of predicting the actual movement of people in a city. The space syntax methodology has been surrounded by a debate in recent years about its applicability, see for example the debate between (Ratti 2004a;Ratti 2004b) and (Hillier & Penn 2004), as well as guest editorial by (Steadman 2004) on developments in space syntax. To evaluate the usefulness of the space syntax methodology this paper explores one case, mobility in Aalborg, a city in Northern Jutland Denmark . The spatial centrality potential of each road in the centre of Aalborg was calculated using the space syntax methodology. The actual use of each road was investigated empirically using GPS tracking equipment on a population of 169 16-20 years old respondents taken from statistically representative sample in Aalborg, an empirical investigation conducted by researchers in the research group Diverse Urban Spaces at Aalborg University. As the results shows, the method is capable of pinpointing the main transportation corridors for motorized traffic when a high metrical radius is used, as well as locating centres within the city when a low radius is used. Somewhat predictable, coherence is attained between the space syntax classification of centre areas and the time consumption registrations. More surprisingly, coherence also exists for the high classified roads which primarily serve cars.
Original languageDanish
Title of host publication The Proceedings to the Eighth International Space Syntax Symposium
EditorsMargarita Greene, José Reyes, Andrea Castro
Number of pages20
PublisherPontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Publication date6 Jan 2012
ISBN (Print)978-956-345-862-6
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jan 2012
EventSpace Syntax Symposium 8, SSS8 - Santiago de Chile at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Duration: 3 Jan 20126 Jan 2012


ConferenceSpace Syntax Symposium 8, SSS8
CitySantiago de Chile at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


  • Mobility
  • DMB/DUS - Diverse Urban Spaces - 3.300.000 kr. (external funding)

    Harder, H., Bro, P., Nielsen, T. A. S., Albrechtslund, A., Simonsen, A. K., Henriksen, S., Lyseen, A. K., Poulsen, J. S., Horst, N. R., Bohnsen, M. R., Frederiksen, M. L. G., Christensen, R. H., Jensen, A. S., Skov, H., Tradisauskas, N., Jensen, M. V., Lauridsen, H. S., Westergaard, M. R., Jensen, A. S. & Knudsen, A. S.

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    Project: Research

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