Investor Relations Newsletters som genre - en empirisk baseret genreanalyse af tyske Investor Relations Newsletters fra kemiske virksomheder med fokus på identifikation og adskillelse af funktionelle træk



    My PhD-thesis focuses on genre analysis within the field of German applied linguistics, with the emphasis on the identification of functional moves in Investor Relations (IR) newsletters from chemical companies in Germany. IR newsletters are offered as an email subscription-based service on corporate websites and addressed primarily to investors. The aim of my PhD thesis is to propose an explanatory genre description of IR Newsletters concentrating on constitutive factors like contextual aspects incorporating communicative purposes, functional moves and lexicogrammatical features. The question of how to identify move structures and functional boundaries is also part of the investigation, for which a systemic functional perspective on language use was chosen.
    Effektiv start/slut dato01/09/200308/06/2007


    • <ingen navn>


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