'Alting som kører paa Motor': Mekaniseringen af fritidslivet gennem automobilturisme

Michael Wagner

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    The automobile has achieved a central position in modern everyday life as an essential artefact to mobility. This historical fact raises the question how automobiles have been mediated for mass consumption? The article demonstrates the manner in which automobilism in Denmark was invented, constructed, represented, and appropriated as a leisure culture after 1900 through a mediation and consumption junction that was initiated and promote by the automobile consumer organisation United Danish Motorowners (FDM). This is basically the story of unlimited access to Sunday driving or the daytrip and facilitation of autotourism and -camping during the holidays. The underlying assumption is that while commodities for mass consumption are produced during working hours, an opportunity to actually enjoy these products is restricted mainly to leisure consumption.
    TidsskriftJyske Historiker
    Udgave nummer127/128
    Sider (fra-til)32-83
    StatusUdgivet - 6 jan. 2012


    • fritid
    • søndagsbilisme
    • forbrug
