Danish Cartoon Crisis/Controversy

Peter Hervik

    Publikation: AndetUdgivelser på nettet - Net-publikationRådgivningpeer review


    The Danish Cartoon Crisis Controversy is one of several terms that refer to the turmoil that associates with the Danish newspaper Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten’s publication of 12 cartoons on 30 September 2005. “The Muhammad Cartoon Crisis” is an alternative heading used for the violent global reactions that broke out in early 2006 as localized reactions to stories about the publication of the cartoons, the Danish government’s denial of dialogue, and two delegations of Muslims travelling from Denmark to the Middle East to rally for political, moral, and religious support.
    StatusUdgivet - 2017

    Bibliografisk note

    Senest ændret: 17/03/2017


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