Operational Modal Analysis Tutorial

Rune Brincker, Palle Andersen

    Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPaper uden forlag/tidsskriftForskningpeer review

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    In this paper the basic principles in operational modal testing and analysis are presented and discussed. A brief review of the techniques for operational modal testing and identification is presented, and it is argued, that there is now a wide range of techniques for effective identification of modal parameters of practical interest - including the mode shape scaling factor - with a high degree of accuracy. It is also argued that the operational technology offers the user a number of advantages over traditional modal testing. The operational modal technology allows the user to perform a modal analysis in an easier way and in many cases more effectively than traditional modal analysis methods. It can be applied for modal testing and analysis on a wide range of structures and not only for problems generally investigated using traditional modal analysis, but also for those requiring load estimation, vibration level estimation and fatigue analysis.
    Antal sider11
    StatusUdgivet - 2007
    BegivenhedMeasurement and Analysis of Vibration Symposium - Hälsingborg, Sverige
    Varighed: 8 maj 200710 maj 2007


    KonferenceMeasurement and Analysis of Vibration Symposium


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