Regional modeling approach for analyzing harmonic stability in radial power electronics based power system

Changwoo Yoon, Haofeng Bai, Xiongfei Wang, Claus Leth Bak, Frede Blaabjerg

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceartikel i proceedingForskningpeer review

15 Citationer (Scopus)


Stability analysis of distributed power generation system becomes complex when there are many numbers of grid inverters in the system. In order to analyze system stability, the overall network impedance will be lumped and needs to be analyzed one by one. However, using a unified bulky transfer-function creates an ambiguity of knowing the reason of instability and also there is no fixed way of choosing the sequence of the analysis. This paper suggests a method to perform a regional stability analysis in the distribution power system. The main idea is started from the simplest stability analysis entity and then it is expanded for generalizing its concept to an overall radial structured network.
TitelProceedings of the IEEE 6th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems, PEDG 2015
Antal sider5
ForlagIEEE Press
Publikationsdatojun. 2015
ISBN (Trykt)978-1-4799-8586-9
StatusUdgivet - jun. 2015
BegivenhedIEEE 6th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems, PEDG 2015 - Pullman Aachen Quellenhof hotel, Aachen, Tyskland
Varighed: 22 sep. 201525 sep. 2015


KonferenceIEEE 6th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems, PEDG 2015
LokationPullman Aachen Quellenhof hotel


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