Traffic sign classification using error correcting techniques

Sergio Escalera*, Petia Radeva, Oriol Pujol


Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPaper uden forlag/tidsskriftForskningpeer review

12 Citationer (Scopus)


Traffic sign classification is a challenging problem in Computer Vision due to the high variability of sign appearance in uncontrolled environments. Lack of visibility, illumination changes, and partial occlusions are just a few problems. In this paper, we introduce a classification technique for traffic signs recognition by means of Error Correcting Output Codes. Recently, new proposals of coding and decoding strategies for the Error Correcting Output Codes framework have been shown to be very effective in front of multiclass problems. We review the state-of-the-art ECOC strategies and combinations of problem-dependent coding designs and decoding techniques. We apply these approaches to the Mobile Mapping problem. We detect the sign regions by means of Adaboost. The Adaboost in an attentional cascade with the extended set of Haar-like features estimated on the integral shows great performance at the detection step. Then, a spatial normalization using the Hough transform and the fast radial symmetry is done. The model fitting improves the final classification performance by normalizing the sign content. Finally, we classify a wide set of traffic signs types, obtaining high success in adverse conditions.

Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - 2007
Udgivet eksterntJa
Begivenhed2nd International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, VISAPP 2007 - Barcelona, Spanien
Varighed: 8 mar. 200711 mar. 2007


Konference2nd International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, VISAPP 2007


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