Annual PhD Course in Ethics and Social Responsibility

Activity: Attending an eventOrganisation or participation in workshops, courses, seminars, exhibitions or similar


Ethics and Social Responsibilities for Scientists and Engineers in the 21st Century Description: The course addresses ethical dilemmas that researchers might face in turbulent times, where clear-cut distinctions between pure and applied science can no longer be upheld, and try to create a space where the participating PhD students can qualify their reflections on their role as young researchers by drawing on philosophical, sociological, and ethical perspectives in analyzing possibilities and problems of contemporary science, engineering and technology. During the course the participants are asked to ethically analyze their own PhD projects, and present their analyses. To facilitate the ethical analyses of PhD projects a number of topical case-studies and relevant analytical tools are presented. The course is designed so that each day is split up into two sessions: One before lunch and one after. Usually a session begins with a lecture (90 minutes, including breaks) followed by discussions or group work. During the last session on the third day participants are kindly asked to do a PP presentation on ethical issues in their Ph.D. project (duration: no more than 15 minutes). We will use the group work and discussions during the first two days to qualify your presentation. It is, however a good idea, to begin reflecting on ethical issues in your project when you read the course material. Reading the text material connected to the lectures, and preparing a PP presentation on ethical aspects of your Ph.D. project, are mandatory activities for all participants.
Period6 Dec 20168 Dec 2016
Event typeCourse
LocationKøbenhavn, DenmarkShow on map