Artifact for "R-MPLS: Recursive Protection for Highly Dependable MPLS Networks"



Artifact for the paper "R-MPLS: Recursive Protection for Highly Dependable MPLS Networks" accepted at CoNEXT 2022. The artifact contains the python source code of R-MPLS implemented on top of the MPLS data plane generator and simulator MPLS-Kit (accepted for Global Internet 2022), along with a topology dataset derived from topology-zoo in an adapted JSON format. The artifact comes with scripts to reproduce the experiments described in the paper and a Jupyter notebook to process the result files. The scripts are written in Bash and automate the execution of the MPLS-Kit python code. Additionally, we include a dataset containing the result files we obtained from executing the artifact’s scripts on our compute cluster. Finally, we provide instructions for executing the scripts and reproducing the results. (Only tested on / available for Linux)
Date made available13 Oct 2022

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