International Social Survey Programme: National Identity III - ISSP 2013

  • Ditte Shamshiri-Petersen (Contributor)
  • Jørgen Goul Andersen (Contributor)
  • Henrik Lauridsen Lolle (Contributor)
  • Christian Albrekt Larsen (Contributor)
  • Triin Roosalu (Contributor)
  • Maaris Raudsepp (Contributor)
  • Margarita Kazjulja (Contributor)
  • Kadri Täht (Contributor)
  • Harri Melin (Contributor)
  • Raimo Blom (Contributor)
  • Frédéric Gonthier (Contributor)
  • Michel Forsé (Contributor)
  • Alison Park (Contributor)
  • Liz Clery (Contributor)
  • Dinka Marinović Jerolimov (Contributor)
  • Tamás Kolosi (Contributor)
  • Iarfhlaith Watson (Contributor)
  • Noah Lewin-Epstein (Contributor)
  • Hrefna Guðmundsdóttir (Contributor)
  • Algis Krupavičius (Contributor)
  • Aivars Tabuns (Contributor)
  • Kirstine Kolsrud (Contributor)
  • Knut K. Skjåk (Contributor)
  • Mitja Hafner Fink (Contributor)
  • Brina Malnar (Contributor)
  • Ann Carton (Contributor)
  • Christof Wolf (Contributor)
  • Lili Khechuashvili (Contributor)
  • Jorge Vala (Contributor)
  • Miloslav Bahna (Contributor)
  • Jare Struwig (Contributor)
  • Juan Díez-Nicolás (Contributor)
  • Jonas Edlund (Contributor)
  • Ali Çarkoğlu (Contributor)
  • Tom W. Smith (Contributor)
  • Peter V. Marsden (Contributor)
  • Michael Hout (Contributor)



Questions on national consciousness and national identity. Topics: Identification with the town or the city, the region (county), the country, and with the respective continent; most important characteristics for national identity; identification with one´s own nation and national pride (scale); level of personal pride in the way democracy works in the country, its political influence in the world, the country´s economic achievements, its social security system, its scientific and technological achievements, its achievements in sports, the achievements in the arts and literature, the armed forces, its history and equal treatment of all social groups in society; attitude towards the relations between one´s country and other countries (scale: limitation of the import of foreign products in order to protect the national economy, the right of international institutions to enforce solutions to be accepted nationally (eg. environment pollution), enforcing national interests regardless of evoking conflicts with other countries, rejection of the acquisition of land by foreigners, preference for national films in national television stations); attitude towards selected statements: damage done by large international companies to the local businesses; free trade leads to better products becoming available in the country; in general the country should follow the decisions of international organizations, even if the government does not agree with them; international organizations are taking away too much power from the country; feeling more like a citizen of the world than of the country; attitude towards minorities: fully assimilation is impossible for people who do not share country´s customs and traditions; ethnic minorities should be given government assistance to preserve their customs and traditions; preference for assimilation of minorities or retention of their identity; attitude towards immigrants (scale); attitude towards the number of immigrants in the country; immigrants should retain their culture of origin and not adopt country´s culture versus also adopt country´s culture, versus should give up their culture and adopt country´s culture; national pride; attitude towards patriotism (strengthens country´s place in the world, leads to intolerance in the country, is needed for the country to remain united, leads to negative attitudes towards immigrants); respondents citizenship; citizenship of parents at the time of the respondent´s birth. Optional questions for countries with an appropriate regional association: knowledge of the regional association like the EU or NAFTA; benefits from EU-membership (NAFTA, etc.); country should follow EU (NAFTA, etc.) decisions, even in the case of disagreement; attitude towards a powerful EU-government; preference for a future EU-membership of the country (for prospective EU members only); country should remain a member of the EU (current EU members only). Demography: sex; age; year of birth; years in school; education (country specific); highest completed degree; work status; hours worked weekly; employment relationship; number of employees; supervision of employees; number of supervised employees; type of organization: for-profit vs. non profit and public vs. private; occupation (ISCO-88); main employment status; living in steady partnership; union membership; religious affiliation or denomination (country specific); groups of religious denominations; attendance of religious services; top-bottom self-placement; vote in last general election; country specific party voted in last general election; party voted (left-right); self-assessed affiliation of ethnic group 1 and 2 (country specific); number of children; number of toddlers; size of household; earnings of respondent (country specific); family income (country specific); father´s and mother´s country of birth; marital status; place of living: urban – rural; region (country specific). Information about spouse and about partner on: work status; hours worked weekly; employment relationship: supervises other employees, occupation (ISCO-88); main employment status. Additionally encoded: date of interview; case substitution flag; mode of data collection; weight.
Date made available2015
PublisherGESIS Data Archive
Date of data production3 Oct 2012 - 20 Mar 2015
Geographical coveragePhilippines

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