Organisation profile

Organisation profile

Department of Haematology at Aalborg University Hospital performs diagnostics, treatment and care of all patients with haematological diseases in North Denmark Region. The department strives to ensure access to the best possible research and evidence-based treatment and care for the citizens in North Denmark Region and focus areas are improved survival and quality of life as well as reduction of late complications.

Research and development are central parts of this aim and an integrated part of the daily work for all members of staff, research personnel as well as clinicians. Our aim is to continuously provide high-quality research and development at international level. We have the relevant competencies to fulfil our aim in the fields of laboratory research, bioinformatics, biostatistics, epidemiology, and nursing as well as a well-functioning clinical research unit and biobank.

Our research is multi-faceted and conducted in close cooperation with local, national and international partners. Our research focus areas are primarily precision medicine, tumour cell biology, late complications to cancer treatment, as well as research in thrombosis and epidemiology. The department is affiliated to Department of Clinical Medicine and Faculty of Medicine at Aalborg University and is engaged in an interdisciplinary collaboration in the Clinical Cancer Research Center (CCRC) at Aalborg University Hospital. 

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