EDUCERE NORDIC NETWORK - Development speeded up by necessity: Digitalization and future of Nordic higher education

  • Sofkova Hashemi, Sylvana (PI)
  • Berbyuk Lindström, Nataliya (Project Applicant)
  • Brooks, Eva (Project Applicant)
  • Háhn, Judit (Project Applicant)
  • Sjöberg, Jeanette (Project Applicant)

Project Details


This network application strives to establish a vibrant, inclusive, and critically reflective Nordic Research Hub to gain a deeper understanding of the digitalisation in higher education (HE) and in particular explore the impact of the abrupt switch to online teaching and learning necessitated to combat the C OVID-19 pandemic. Special focus of this initiative will be devoted to Nordic exchange of data and findings in relation to the students’ and staff’s experienced impact across disciplines and educational formats. The network will contribute to a renewed conceptualisation of learning and teaching practices that will be materialized in new innovative data instruments and accounts of best practices across disciplines and countries, to guide HEIs in developing teaching practices in a post-pandemic era. The collaborative work will be organized in recurrent data-driven workshops and international webinars to
develop sustainable methodology and inclusive instruments for future cross-nordic data collection in participating HEIs (e.g. online surveys, focus group interviews, model testing, interactive workshops, digital instruments). With the added value of cross-nordic and cross-disciplinary perspectives, the plan is to develop a new joint and
expanded project plan for external funding with Nordic collaboration in focus. The network also plans for crossnordic journal publications, conference participations, arrangement of a final conference, and dissemination of a final report.
Effective start/end date01/01/202331/12/2025


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