Manufacturing academy of Denmark

    Project Details


    The Danish manufacturing sector is a main contributor to the welfare of the Danish society due to its contribution to exports and by employing a significant number of people with many different educational backgrounds. However, the sector has been under pressure over recent years due to outsourcing/offshoring to low-cost countries. MADE – Platform for Future Production is an academic-industrial collaboration that will pave the way for the development of new, efficient and enhanced types of manufacturing that will strengthen the manufacturing industry in Denmark and increase competitiveness. The platform will address complex challenges and prevalent research gaps in the involved companies by contributing with holistic and cross-functional solutions. The platform will promote research, development, implementation and testing of innovative solutions such as new planning systems, new organizational forms, new flexible automation, intelligent products, and production systems. The platform focuses on three business functionalities: Rapid Product & Production Development, Model Based Production, and Complexity Management. These are key enablers for realizing the potential for innovation, agility and sustainability and consequently are of significant competitive importance to Danish industry. These business functionalities will be investigated from three different viewpoints: Value Chains and Business Systems, Integrated production systems, and Enabling Technologies. A range of combined research and innovation projects, focusing on specific ambitious targets have been and will be identified and used for testing and showcasing the developed results. By doing this, the program will make manufacturing in Denmark more competitive and attractive to companies and society at large.
    The platform will build on the existing work of internationally recognized research groups at five major Danish Universities, highly recognized international research and innovation groups as well as the technical skills of FORCE Technology and the Danish Technological Institute. Moreover, the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) and three industry associations/funds – the Danish Industry Foundation, The Copenhagen Industries Employers’ Federation (IAK) and Provinsindustriens Arbejdsgiverforening (PA) - support the platform. Finally, there is extensive industrial commitment with participation from 10 large Danish companies, and many SMEs.
    Effective start/end date03/02/201431/12/2020


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