COST INTERACT Working Group 1: Key Challenges and Initial Directions

Mate Boban, Vittorio Degli Esposti, Diego Dupleich, Wei Fan, Marco Di Renzo, Joonas Kokkoniemi

Research output: Contribution to conference without publisher/journalPaper without publisher/journalResearch

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A comprehensive understanding of the radio
channel is a prerequisite for designing efficient wireless
communication systems. Next generation wireless systems
are expected to include both new technologies (e.g., intelligent
surfaces, integrated sensing and communication) and
new frequency bands (in particular, above 100 GHz). These
new technologies and bands will require a paradigm shift
in radio channel measurement and characterization. To
that end, we explore the ongoing and planned activities
that COST INTERACT Working Group 1 (WG1) has
been carrying out. In particular, we describe the position
of WG1 as originally mandated by COST INTERACT,
elaborated further by the addition of subWGs on RIS
and mmWave and THz sounding. Next, we identify the
key challenges faced by WG1 and the two subWGs and
describe the first steps taken in order to address those
challenges. Finally, we give an outlook for the activities that
need to be carried out in order to contribute towards the
definition of a comprehensive channel modeling framework
that encompasses new scenarios and technologies that will
be included in future wireless communications systems.
Original languageEnglish
Publication dateSept 2022
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2022
Event2022 European Cooperation in science and technology (EURO-COST) - Valencia, Spain
Duration: 20 Sept 202222 Sept 2022


Conference2022 European Cooperation in science and technology (EURO-COST)


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