D.3.3 PLOT Persuasive Learning Design Framework: Persuasive Learning Designs

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In this third and final deliverable of WP3: Persuasive Learning Designs, the theoretical cross field between persuasion and learning and the practical analysis of the technological learning tools and products which are currently related to the PLOT project, namely the GLOMaker and the 3ET tool, are linked together as persuasive learning designs are defined and exemplified through the four e-PLOT cases.
Based on the literary study of D.3.1 as well as the subsequent discussions and reflections regarding the theoretical foundation and practical application of persuasive learning technologies, this report presents a novel perspective on the definition of persuasive design, and in continuation, an applicable definition of persuasive learning designs.
D.3.3 is formally described as: “A set of Persuasive Learning Designs (PLDs) appropriately described in terms of theoretical background and expected areas of application, summarized as patterns. These will be used in WPs4 and 5 to guide the implementation of persuasion into the enhanced tools. They will also be made available publicly via the web portal.”
In consideration of the theoretical characteristics of persuasive learning, and in acknowledgement that the results of this deliverable are to be applicable in both WP4 and 5, the persuasive learning designs presented in this report are not summarized as patterns. Instead the definition of persuasive learning designs is presented on more general terms and exemplified in relation to the e-PLOT work cases.
In conclusion, the report presents a number of suggestions regarding the improvement of the two learning tools, which from a theoretical perspective will enhance the persuasive potential, and which can be taken into consideration in WP4 and 5.
Original languageDanish
Title of host publicationPersuasive Learning Objects and Technologies for Lifelong Learning in Europe
Number of pages66
Publication date31 Mar 2012
Publication statusPublished - 31 Mar 2012

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