Exploring the dynamics of architecture with the concept of affordance

Turid Borgestrand Øien*, Sidse Grangaard, Victoria Linn Lygum

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From an architectural perspective, the purpose of this paper is to explore the dynamic relations between individuals and the environments using the concept of affordance. In three different cases of architectural research, the concept of affordance is used as an analytical tool – yet demonstrating different scopes and outcomes. A post-occupancy evaluation of an office space in transformation; a lighting assessment and intervention in low vision rehabilitation situated in private home environments; and an urban event at an architecture festival involving the intervention of a sound- and scentscape. The three cases show that the concept of affordance can embrace and operationalize the human perception of the environment, pointing at descriptive, prescriptive, and exploratory possibilities in relation to architectural design and research. The concept of affordance enables rich descriptions and explorations of qualities of architecture, related to multisensorial, emotional, and social interactional aspects of humans and their environments.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPhilosophical Psychology
Issue number7
Pages (from-to)1858-1877
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Affordances
  • architectural research
  • environmental psychology
  • human-environment relation
  • multisensory design


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