idSpace D2.3 – Semantic meta-model integration and transformations v2: idSpace Project Deliverable

Peter Dolog, Pascal Grube, Klaus Schmid, Sascha El-Sharkawy, Rene Hansen, Yujian Lin, Simos Retalis

Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch


This deliverable discusses an extended set of requirements for transformations and metamodel for creativity techniques. Based on the requirements, the deliverable provides refined meta-model. The metamodel allows for more advanced transforma-tion concepts besides the previously delivered graph transfor-mation approach for merging idea graphs. This includes produc-tion rules for generating new associations between ideas and managing transactional histories for exploring changes and evo-lutions of ideas. Finally, we discuss some preliminary experi-ments with the approach as well as service oriented implemen-tation with portlets and widgets in the Liferay portal.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • idSpace
  • graph transformation
  • topic maps
  • idea graphs
  • metamodel
  • reasoning
  • transactions


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