This paper investigates how artistic explorations can be useful for the development of mobile haptic technology. It presents an alternative framework of design for wearable haptics that contributes to the building of haptic communities outside specialized research contexts. The paper also presents our various wearable haptic systems for mobile computing capable of producing high-order tactile percepts. Our practice based approach suggests a design framework that can be applied to create advanced haptic stimulations/situations for physically embodied interaction in real-world settings.
Original language | English |
Title of host publication | Haptic and Audio Interaction Design : 7th International Conference, HAID 2012, Lund, Sweden, August 23-24, 2012. Proceedings |
Editors | Charlotte Magnusson, Delphine Szymczak, Stephen Brewster |
Publisher | Springer Publishing Company |
Publication date | 2012 |
Pages | 31-40 |
ISBN (Print) | 978-3-642-32795-7 |
ISBN (Electronic) | 978-3-642-32796-4 |
DOIs | |
Publication status | Published - 2012 |
Event | Haptic and Audio InteractionDesign - Lund, Sweden Duration: 23 Aug 2012 → 24 Aug 2012 Conference number: 7th |
Conference | Haptic and Audio InteractionDesign |
Number | 7th |
Country/Territory | Sweden |
City | Lund |
Period | 23/08/2012 → 24/08/2012 |
Series | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) |
ISSN | 0302-9743 |