Når der ikke er noget tredje valg: Social sårbarhed og valget af abort

Translated title of the contribution: When there is no third option: Social vulnerability and the choice of induced abortion

Vibeke Rasch, Lisbeth B. Knudsen, Tine Gammeltoft

Research output: Book/ReportBookResearch


The Study elucidates the development of legally induced abortion in Denmark 1981-2001, reasons for the choice of abortion and the grounds for the higher occurence of abortion among some immigrant groups of women. The study uses a triangulation of methods - a register based analysis, a hospital based questionaire study and in-depth qualitative interviews. The register based analysis elucidates the development in the abortion rates in Denmark from 1981 to 2001 in relation to the women's age, their country of origin and their family situation. The questionaire study was conducted from September 2002 to April 2003 and includes women, who either had an induced abortion or had chosen to give birth. This part of the investigation contributes with more specific information on the influence of socio-economic conditions and the women's knowledge of and use of contraceptives on the choice of abortion. The qualitative interviews includes 20 immigrant women and 20 women of Danish origin, who had induced abortion between September 2002 to April 2003. This part of the investigation contributes with information on the decision making process in relation to the choice of induced abortion, how the pregnancy occured and whether the women have or have not used any contraceptive.
Translated title of the contributionWhen there is no third option: Social vulnerability and the choice of induced abortion
Original languageDanish
Number of pages181
ISBN (Print)8791437806
Publication statusPublished - 2004


  • Immigrant women
  • Denmark
  • Induced abortion
  • social vulnerability


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