Ne rien faire et ne rien laisser faire. Les enjeux de la non-politique migratoire tunisienne.

Adnen El Ghali, Ahlam Chemlali

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Following a number of high-profle incidents, numerous rallies and
demonstrations have brought to light the importance of the sub-Saharan
community in Tunisia, an invisible one suffering from an unsuspected
vulnerability. This article examines the fragility of these seemingly
disparate urban communities living on the fringes of society, which
include economic and climate migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, in
the light of the existing protection infrastructure in Tunisia and in the
shadow of the European externalization of borders. From this analysis,
the authors have extracted the main lines of Tunisian migration policy
or lack thereof and the risks it poses to a population oscillating between
integration and rejection.
Original languageFrench
Journal Revue Tunisienne de Science Politique
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)81-105
Number of pages25
Publication statusPublished - 7 Apr 2022

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