Space Related Education at the University of Aalborg, Denmark

Jens F. Dalsgaard Nielsen, Morten Bisgaard, Lars Alminde, Dan Bhanderi

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearch


Th AAU Cubesat student satellite project at Aalborg University was initiated in September 2001 and led to the launch of the satellite from Plesetsk on the 30th of June 2003. The satellite survived three months in orbit and based on the experiences gained the next student satellite project was commences called AAUSAT II which is due for launch early 2006. This article presents the experiences gained and lessons learned from the work with student satellite projects at Aalborg University as well as the methodology used to manage these projects. First an introduction and description of the Problem Based Learning concept used at Aalborg University is given and advantages of applying it to these projects are discussed. The benefits of student satellite projects are also discussed. Finally the specific management methods for the two projects are described and leassons learned from each project as well as a set of recommendations for future projects are given.
Original languageEnglish
JournalNordicspace; periodical for space-related education, research and industry
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)8-14
Publication statusPublished - 2005


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