The Dynamics of Organisation and Work: Measurement framework of the Meadow Survey

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The Dynamics of Organisation and Work
- Measurement framework of the Meadow survey

by Peter Nielsen for the MEADOW Consortium

Organisational changes and the upcoming of new adaptable work organisations are common in most developed countries regardless of culture and industrial traditions. The main driver for this general trend is globalisation of the economic relations and growth in technological enhancements. The conditions of globalisation and the technological developments directly or indirectly put high pressure on most organisations in both private and public sector. The high pressure of globalisation in combination with technology developments mean that instability and changing conditions are more the rule than the exception and management are forced to find new ways to cope with this instability. Generally it has meant that knowledge and innovation has become more important for firms and this influences the new ways of configuring the work organisations. However, there is a great diversity in the ways firm develop their organisations and restructure work and not least in the resulting economic and social performance.
This diversity means that there is a considerable and urgent need to produce international comparative data on organisational changes and economic as well as social performance of the emerging new work organisations. The Meadow project has created instruments to produce such international comparative data and the aim of this paper is to present the measurement framework of Meadow’s matched employer - employee survey and deliver some preliminary experience on using the framework.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2011
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Event - Moskva, Russian Federation
Duration: 23 Nov 201124 Nov 2011


Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

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