Variant in the synaptonemal complex protein SYCE2 associates with pregnancy loss through effect on recombination

Valgerdur Steinthorsdottir*, Bjarni V Halldorsson, Hakon Jonsson, Gunnar Palsson, Asmundur Oddsson, David Westergaard, Gudny A Arnadottir, Lilja Stefansdottir, Karina Banasik, M Sean Esplin, Thomas Folkmann Hansen, Søren Brunak, Mette Nyegaard, Sisse Rye Ostrowski, Ole Birger Vesterager Pedersen, Christian Erikstrup, DBDS genomics consortium, Gudmar Thorleifsson, Lincoln D Nadauld, Asgeir HaraldssonThora Steingrimsdottir, Laufey Tryggvadottir, Ingileif Jonsdottir, Daniel F Gudbjartsson, Eva R Hoffmann, Patrick Sulem, Hilma Holm, Henriette Svarre Nielsen, Kari Stefansson*

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Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology