The Chairs of Venice: Applying Storytelling as Teaching Method to Understand Material Cultural Heritage

Tenna Doktor Olsen Tvedebrink, Nini Camilla Bagger

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2 Citationer (Scopus)
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To understand the present and prepare for the future, we must
remember our past. - And as indicated with the writings of 19th century
English art critic and writer, John Ruskin; material cultural heritage holds
an important lesson and plays an ethical role in establishing such a
remembrance. With this paper, we discuss examples of implementing
storytelling as a creative-explorative teaching method to critically reflect on and
develop the awareness and understanding of material cultural heritage
among students from disciplines of Art History, Architecture, and Design.
Our examples stem from a workshop held during the International Art
Biennale in Venice 2019 by the Erasmus+ interdisciplinary research project
TidsskriftRES MOBILIS International Research Journal of Furniture and Decorative Objects
Udgave nummer11
Sider (fra-til)124-147
Antal sider24
StatusUdgivet - 2020


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