Case from Denmark: Multidisciplinary in higher educations for the captive foodscape professions

  • Bent Egberg Mikkelsen (Foredragsholder)

Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidragForedrag og præsentationer i privat eller offentlig virksomhed


Foodservice has for a long time had the reputation and image as a “mundane everyday life activity in prosaic settings” (Morgan & Sonnino) and has traditionally not been attracting academic interest. This has been changing over the past year. Public food is increasingly becoming the subject of many sustainable and healthy eating strategies in the public. Commercial large scale food and restaurant food have at the same time enjoyed increasing interest. This development has lead to a “scientication” and “academiasation” of the art of foodservice, culinary arts and meal sciences. Large scale food settings are increasingly being involved in studies using evidence based methods and politicians are more and more requesting sound evidence before making strategic decisions on public food issues. This development also reflects in the educational sector. This paper reports on the case of Integarted Food Studies and its attempts to answer the new needs of the public food sector.
Periode5 jun. 2015
Sted for afholdelseUnknown External Organisation