Keynote: Pluriversal tundra: Storying more than human ecologies across deep, accelerated, and troubled times

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The polar tundra around Kangerlussuaq in West Greenland stretches 25 km to the East and ends at the Greenland Ice sheet. To the west it stretches almost 200 km before it meets the sea. Resting on continuous permafrost, hosting rivers fed by meltwater from the inland ice and glaciers, and dotted by small freshwater lakes, the tundra can be seen (and storied) as one large and dynamic water body, composed by various interconnected streams, rhythmed by geological epochs and by seasons – freeze, thaw, flow - and feeding into social and natural ecologies.

This keynote attends to the tundra and its bodies of water by walking and ethnographically storying tundra climes with different actors and their perspectives: Hunters and hunting officers who show us the landscape as one of more than human sociality. Geologists who reveal deep time of the tundra and show us ruptures in water-ice dynamics. Entrepreneurs and policy makers who dream of converting climate change into a source of innovation and profit, as they work to turn the accelerated melting of ice into new water products.

Resulting from these perspectives is a pluriversal tundra, where ways of making sense of the changing water bodies are conflicting, embedded in contrasting ways of knowing and living climes. This storying of the pluriversal tundra leads to methodological questions of how to compose an anthropology that attunes beyond the human and analyses across deep and accelerated, long and short temporal scales. It also leads to questions of the ethics and politics of storying climes: whose perspectives get heard and whose voices are silenced? And in what ways are stories to be responded?
Periode9 okt. 2021
BegivenhedstitelStorying Climes of the Himalaya, Andes, and Arctic
: Anthropogenic water bodies, multispecies vulnerability, and sustainable living
PlaceringBhutanVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational


  • Arctic
  • Environment
  • Climate change
  • Anthropology
  • Greenland
  • Tundra
  • temporality