Nordiske Virksomhedsteori konference: Identitet og selv i virksomhedsteorien

  • Ole Michael Spaten (Oplægsholder)

Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidragForedrag og præsentationer i privat eller offentlig virksomhed


Identitet belyst ud fra empiriske studier af børn og unge. Abstract Observations, surveys and interviews from a longitudinal study (from 1998 – 2009) has been analyzed to approach a contextual understanding of children’s identity and self-concept development (Spaten, 2007). Bronfenbrenner assumed (2005) that scientific limitations in widespread approaches to research on children’s development may be conquered by broader perspectives in theory and, methodology. He proposed a scientific perspective as the ecology of human development and, the Person-Process-Context-Time model (ibid.) to supplement the complex systems theory from 1979. Our results includes that children’s and adolescent’s active internalization (Valsiner & Van der Veer, 1988), and dialogical, cultural self-authorship are important themes for an understanding of processes of self-concept development among Danish children and adolescents from diverse cultural backgrounds and neighborhoods in a urban city.
Periode6 nov. 2010
BegivenhedstitelNordiske Virksomhedsteori konference: Identitet og selv i virksomhedsteorien
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  • Børns og unges udvikling, identitet og selvopfattelse
  • mixed-methods
  • narrativer