
  • Andersen, Peter Bøgh (Projektdeltager)



The lingoland project aims at building a learning environment for teaching object-oriented programming in Lingo. The environment is design for liberal arts students and teachers how to build systems with a media function (entertainment, pedagogical applications). The Environment is based on a game metaphor. It presents the students for a world whose inhabitants only speak "Lingo"; the students therefore have to communicate with the inhabitants by mean of Lingo. In addition it demonstrates what it teaches: the environment itself embodies a munber of aesthetic techniques. The project also addresses theoretical questions, such as design of interactive narratives, and the balance between narrative and the teaching curriculum. The project is a collaboration between Aalborg University and Aarhus University, and is supported by IT-V. (Peter B. Andersen)
Effektiv start/slut dato19/05/2010 → …