PRECO – Enhancing innovation in pre-commercial public purchasing process



The public sector in Europe is facing immense pressures for change. The local authorities play a key role in implementing public procurement policy and legal framework. A city or a region may therefore become an important test market in implementing new and innovative products and technologies. In this context, there is an urgent call for action. The overall objective of PreCo is to support public authorities in undertaking pre-commercial procurement (PCP) actions which stimulate innovation by engaging the suppliers in the market as well as the end-users (Living Labs). For this purpose, PreCo brings together a thematic network for the development and adaptation of European wide models, frameworks and policy recommendations in the domains of eHealth and eEnergy.

Project budget in total: 428.542 €
Effektiv start/slut dato01/11/200901/11/2011


  • Pre-commercial procurement
  • Private public partnership