A heuristic approach for cluster TSP

Apurba Manna, Samir Maity, Arindam Roy*


Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceartikel i proceedingForskningpeer review


This investigation took an attempt to solve the cluster traveling salesman problem (CTSP) by the heuristic approach. In this problem, nodes are clustered with given a set of vertices (nodes). Given the set of vertices is divided into a prespecified number of clusters. The size of each cluster is also pre-specified. The main aim is to find the least cost Hamiltonian tour based on the given vertices. Here vertices of each cluster visited contiguously, and the clusters are visited in a specific order. Standard GA is used to find a Hamiltonian path for each cluster. The performance of the algorithm has been examined against two existing algorithms for some symmetric TSPLIB instances of various sizes. The computational results show the proposed algorithm works well among the studied metaheuristics regarding the best result and computational time.

TitelRecent Advances in Intelligent Information Systems and Applied Mathematics, ICITAM 2019
RedaktørerOscar Castillo, Dipak Kumar Jana, Arif Ahmed, Debasis Giri
Antal sider10
ForlagSpringer VS
ISBN (Trykt)9783030341510
StatusUdgivet - 2020
Begivenhed2nd International Conference on Information Technology and Applied Mathematics, ICITAM 2019 - Haldia, Indien
Varighed: 7 mar. 20199 mar. 2019


Konference2nd International Conference on Information Technology and Applied Mathematics, ICITAM 2019
NavnStudies in Computational Intelligence
Vol/bind863 SCI

Bibliografisk note

Publisher Copyright:
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.


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