Advanced Synchronization Control for Inverters Parallel Operation in Microgrids Using Coupled Hopf Oscillators

Mingshen Li, Baoze Wei, José Matas, Josep M. Guerrero, Juan C. Vasquez

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A simple high-performance decentralized controller based on Hopf oscillator is proposed for three-phase parallel voltage source inverter (VSI) in islanded Microgrid. In αβ frame, the oscillators equations corresponding output current and com-mon bus voltage as feedbacks are designed according to coupled oscillator synchronization properties. The enough common bus information is considered to realize external synchronization, and the current feedback is to achieve internal synchronization between VSIs. Then, the controller employs Hopf evolution dynamics to integrate their both. Therefore, a larger phase error can be eliminated when additional inverter connects, and the pre-synchronization item is proposed to be close to synchronize with the operational inverters. In addition, an integrated small-signal states pace based on averaged model for two parallel VSIs is developed, and the root locus shows the large stability margin and low sensitivity of parameters. Simulation and experiment results verifified the effectiveness of the proposed method in aspects of the fast dynamics response and precise current sharing performance.
TidsskriftCPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)224-234
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - sep. 2020


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