Breaking the arrows of causality: The idea of catalysis in its making

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16 Citationer (Scopus)


Theoretical models of catalysis have proven to bring with them major breakthroughs in chemistry and biology, from the 1830s onward. It can be argued that the scientific status of chemistry has become established through the move from causal to catalytic models. Likewise, the central explanatory role of cyclical models in biology has made it possible to move from the idea of genetic determination to that of epigenetic negotiation as the core of biological theory. In psychology, catalytic thinking has been outside of the realm of accepted scientific schemes, as the axiomatic dependence upon the General Linear Model continues to dominate. Basic history of the idea of catalysis is outlined in this chapter, and the need to overcome the use of simple cause–effect notions in psychology is recommended.
TitelThe catalyzing mind: Beyond models of causality
RedaktørerKenneth R. Cabell, Jaan Valsiner
Antal sider15
ForlagSpringer VS
ISBN (Trykt)978-1-4614-8820-0
StatusUdgivet - 2014
NavnAnnals of Theoretical Psychology
