Evolution of the geographical concentration pattern of the Danish IT sector

Publikation: Working paper/PreprintWorking paperForskning

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This paper analyzes the employment growth and spatial evolution of the Danish IT sector during the upswing in the 1990s. The employment and the number of IT firms have more than doubled during this decade, but the spatial evolution indicates a ‘non random’ concentration of the sector around the larger urban areas. The paper analyses, which factors shaped the growth and spatial evolution of the sector and analyzes how and why it agglomerated in the urban areas.
Antal sider24
StatusUdgivet - 1 jan. 2011

Bibliografisk note

WORKING PAPER: A revised version is published as Østergaard, Christian Richter & Dalum, Bent (2011), 'Evolution of the geographical concentration pattern of the Danish IT sector'. i H Bathelt, MP Feldman & DF Kogler (eds), Beyond Territory: Dynamic Geographies of Knowledge Creation, Diffusion, and Innovation. Routledge. Regions and Cities Series, Ch. 5, p.82-104
