Fault Detection and Isolation in Centrifugal Pumps

Publikation: Ph.d.-afhandling

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Centrifugal pumps are used in a variety of different applications, such as water supply, wastewater, and different industrial applications. Some pump installations are crucial for the applications to work. Failures can lead to substantial economic losses and can influence the life of many people when they occur. Therefore, detection of faults, if possible in an early stage, and isolation of their causes are of great interest. Especially fault detection, which can be used for predictive maintenance, can decrease working expenses and increase the reliability of the application in which the pump is placed. The topic of this work is Fault Detection and Identification in centrifugal pumps. Different approaches are developed with special focus on robustness. Robustness with respect to disturbances, unknown parts of the system, and parameter variations are considered. All developed algorithms are tested on an industrial test setup, showing the usability of the algorithms on a real centrifugal pump.
ISBN'er, trykt8790664221
StatusUdgivet - 2005


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