Implementing performance competitive logical recovery

David Lomet*, Kostas Tzoumas, Michael Zwilling


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8 Citationer (Scopus)


New hardware platforms, e.g. cloud, multi-core, etc., have led to a reconsideration of database system architecture. Our Deuteronomy project separates transactional functionality from data management functionality, enabling a flexible response to exploiting new platforms. This separation requires, however, that recovery is described logically. In this paper, we extend current recovery methods to work in this logical setting. While this is straightforward in principle, performance is an issue. We show how ARIES style recovery optimizations can work for logical recovery where page information is not captured on the log. In side-by-side performance experiments using a common log, we compare logical recovery with a state-of-the art ARIES style recovery implementation and show that logical redo performance can be competitive.

TidsskriftProceedings of the VLDB Endowment
Sider (fra-til)430-439
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - apr. 2011
BegivenhedThe 37th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases - Seattle, Washington, USA
Varighed: 29 aug. 20113 sep. 2011


KonferenceThe 37th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases
BySeattle, Washington


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