Primary Energy Factors and Members States Energy Regulations: Primary factors and the EPBD

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The reduction in the use of primary energy for the end-uses is for the EPBD an important policy goal, both through minimum performance requirements and for EPCs. Primary energy is therefore a major metric within the EPBD, but the choice of values for primary energy factors (PEFs), which are used to calculate the primary energy content of energy delivered by different energy carriers, is at the discretion of MSs. Inevitably, there are differences between PEF values in different MSs for the same energy sources. This factsheet Primary Energy Factors and Members States Energy Regulations addresses the issue regarding PEFs in the EU, including principles, basic definitions and summary of values used by MSs.
TitelConcerted Action : Energy Performance of Buildings
Antal sider4
Publikationsdato20 apr. 2018
AnsøgerEuropean Commision
StatusUdgivet - 20 apr. 2018


  • primary energy factors
  • EPBD
  • Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)
  • Conversion of energy
