Synthesizing multi-objective H2/H-infinity dynamic controller using evolutionary algorithms

Gerulf Pedersen, A.S. Langballe, Rafal Wisniewski

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPaper uden forlag/tidsskriftForskning


This paper covers the design of an Evolutionary Algorithm (EA), which should be able to synthesize a mixed H2/H-infinity. It will be shown how a system can be expressed as Matrix Inequalities (MI) and these will then be used in the design of the EA. The main objective is to examine whether a mixed H2/H-infinity controller is feasible, and if so, how the optimal mixed controller might befound.
StatusUdgivet - 2002
BegivenhedSynthesizing multi-objective H2/H-infinity dynamic controller using evolutionary algorithms -
Varighed: 19 maj 2010 → …


KonferenceSynthesizing multi-objective H2/H-infinity dynamic controller using evolutionary algorithms
Periode19/05/2010 → …

Bibliografisk note

Undertitel på proceedings: 15th IFAC World Congress 2002
