Tagging vs. Controlled Vocabulary: Which is More Helpful for Book Search?

Toine Bogers, Vivien Petras

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceartikel i proceedingForskningpeer review

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The popularity of social tagging has sparked a great deal of debate on whether tags could replace or improve upon professional metadata as descriptors of books and other information objects. In this paper we present a large-scale empirical comparison of the contributions of individual information elements like core bibliographic data, controlled vocabulary terms, reviews, and tags to the retrieval performance. Our comparison is done using a test collection of over 2 million book records with information elements from Amazon, the British Library, the Library of Congress, and LibraryThing. We find that tags and controlled vocabulary terms do not actually outperform each other consistently, but seem to provide complementary contributions: some information needs are best addressed using controlled vocabulary terms whereas other are best addressed using tags.
TitelProceedings of iConference 2015
Antal sider15
Publikationsdato24 mar. 2015
StatusUdgivet - 24 mar. 2015
BegivenhediConference 2015: Create, Collaborate, Celebrate - Newport Beach Marriott Hotel & Spa, Newport Beach, CA, USA
Varighed: 24 mar. 201527 mar. 2015


KonferenceiConference 2015
LokationNewport Beach Marriott Hotel & Spa
ByNewport Beach, CA


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  • iConference 2015

    Bogers, T. (Deltager)

    24 mar. 201527 mar. 2015

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i faglig begivenhedOrganisering af eller deltagelse i konference
