Towards a new analytical approach to the challenges of communication difficulties and aquired brain damage in everyday practices

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskningpeer review


The approach of language psychology is grounded in the persons communicating; where as the approach of discursive psychology is grounded in social interaction. There is a lack of scientific knowledge on the social/communicative/interactional challenges of communication difficulties and brain injury in everyday life. A sense-making-in-practice approach may help form a new discourse.

How may a new analytical approach be designed? May ‘communication’ be described as ‘participation abilities’, using the framework from language psychology combined with discursive psychology and the conventions of ethnomethodology?

I draw on Roy Harris’ integrational linguistics’ approach (1998; 2009) to communication and communication abilities as I investigate how agreement on a micro-level is accomplished through participation and initiatives in interactions (Goodwin, 2003). I examine excerpts from a study I have been part of where the participants mainly are persons with acquired brain damage and occupational therapists.

I will discuss how a new approach to sense-making practice may be designed in order to study more closely a participants’ perspective in unique situations as they arise. I am interested in ‘integration’ and ‘understanding’ as a performing of activities.

Goodwin, C. (2003). Conversational frameworks for the accomplishment of meaning in
aphasia. In: Goodwin, C. (ed.), Conversation and brain damage (90-116). Oxford. Oxford University Press.
Harris, R. (1998). Introduction to integrational linguistics. Oxford. Pergamon.
Harris, R. (2009). Notes and papers 2006-2008. Gamlingay. Bright Pen.

StatusUdgivet - 2016
BegivenhedCOMET16 - Aalborg University, Aalborg, Danmark
Varighed: 4 jul. 20166 jul. 2016


LokationAalborg University


  • aquired brain injury
  • ethnography
  • Video Observation
  • video analysis
  • inclusion
  • Participant directed
  • Participant observation
  • interaction
  • augmented conversation analysis


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