Project Details


ALL2GaN will be the backbone for the European Power Electronics Industry by offering an EU-born smart GaN Integration Toolbox. The project will provide the base for applications with significantly increased material- and energy efficiency, thus meeting the global energy needs while keeping the CO2 footprint to the minimum.
46 partners from 12 European countries will collaborate on 8 major objectives along the entire vertical value chain of power and RF electronics.
O1: Push the limits of industrial GaN devices and system-on-chip approaches for ≤ 100V
O2: Leverage the full potential of innovative substrates for GaN
O3: Achieve novel benchmark solutions for lateral GaN devices and integrated circuits ≥ 650V
O4: Reach best technical and cost performance of RF GaN on Si with novel integration concepts
O5: Break the packaging limits by application driven integrated solutions of high performance GaN products
O6: Advance the methods to evaluate and optimize reliability and robustness of GaN components, modules, and systems for shortest time-to-market and maximum product availability at the end user
O7: Demonstrate highest affordable performance for greener power electronics and RF applications
O8: Road-mapping for the future GaN technology development and applications to support long-term exploitation/business cases and European leadership beyond ALL2GaN.
The collaboration in ALL2GaN is based on a work package structure covering activities on novel power- and RF-GaN technologies for various voltage classes, latest packaging technologies, research on reliability and demonstration in 11 Use Cases.
With ambitious goals and a clear vision, ALL2GaN will unleash the energy saving and material efficiency potential of GaN semiconductors for a broad field of applications, thus being in line with the major challenges outlined in the ECS-SRIA. ALL2GaN technology will directly contribute to energy saving and cutting-edge green technology innovation as…Every Watt counts!
Short titleALL2GaN
Effective start/end date01/05/202330/04/2026

Collaborative partners

  • Infineon Technologies Austria AG
  • Fronius International GmbH
  • Silicon Austria Labs GmbH


  • Horizon - Chips Joint Undertaking : DKK3,477,002.00