A Change for the Better? A Life Course Analysis of the Housing Careers of Somalis and Turks in the Danish Housing Market

    Research output: PhD thesis

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    This thesis explores the preconditions of change and the possibilities for change
    in the housing careers of Somalis and Turks through an application of life course
    analysis. By directing inquiry to the process by which lives are lived and highlighting the importance of both structure and agency, life course analysis offers
    a rewarding framework for an analysis of housing careers. The aim of the thesis
    is pursued through two strands explored in four independent papers. The first
    strand focuses on one specific transition in the housing career, leaving home,
    and is based register data analysis. The main findings are that some ethnic differences
    in home-leaving patterns persist but that they diminish when controlling
    for key covariates on home-leaving and settlement patterns. An assimilation
    process, while slow-moving, is taking place. The second strand of the thesis
    focuses on change more generally in the housing careers of Somalis and Turks
    through analyses of in-depth interviews. The main finding is that while Turkish
    migrant workers and Somali refugees face constraints in relation to housing,
    there are choices available to them in the Copenhagen housing market. Change
    comes about in the intersection between preferences, resources, possibilities and
    restraints. All in all, the thesis offers an optimistic evaluation of the housing situation of Somalis and Turks in the Danish housing market.
    Original languageEnglish
    • Andersen, Hans Skifter, Principal supervisor
    • Emerek, Ruth Linaa, Co-supervisor
    Place of PublicationAalborg
    Electronic ISBNs978-87-7112-143-8
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


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