Mining Seasonal Temporal Patterns in Time Series

Van Long Ho*, Nguyen Ho, Torben Bach Pedersen

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Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingArticle in proceedingResearchpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


As IoT-enabled sensors become more pervasive, very large time series data are increasingly generated and made available for advanced data analytics. By mining temporal patterns from the available data, valuable insights can be extracted to support decision making. A useful type of patterns found in many real-world applications exhibits periodic occurrences, and is thus called seasonal temporal patterns (STP). Compared to regular patterns, mining seasonal temporal patterns is more challenging since traditional measures such as support and confidence do not capture the seasonality characteristics. Further, the anti-monotonicity property does not hold for STPs, and thus, resulting in an exponential search space. We propose a first solution for seasonal temporal pattern mining (STPM) from time series that can mine STP at different data granularities. We design efficient data structures and use two pruning techniques for the STPM algorithm that downsize the search space and accelerate the mining process. Further, based on the mutual information measure, we propose an approximate version of STPM that only mine seasonal patterns on the promising time series. Finally, extensive experiments with real-world and synthetic datasets show that STPM outperforms the baseline in terms of runtime and memory usage, and can scale to large datasets. The approximate STPM is up to an order of magnitude faster and less memory-consuming than the baseline, while maintaining high accuracy.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2023 IEEE 39th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)
Number of pages13
PublisherIEEE Communications Society
Publication date7 Apr 2023
Article number10184527
ISBN (Print)979-8-3503-2228-6
ISBN (Electronic)979-8-3503-2227-9
Publication statusPublished - 7 Apr 2023
Event2023 IEEE 39th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) - Anaheim, CA, USA
Duration: 3 Apr 20237 Apr 2023


Conference2023 IEEE 39th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)
LocationAnaheim, CA, USA
SeriesProceedings of the International Conference on Data Engineering


  • Runtime
  • Time series analysis
  • Decision making
  • Data structures
  • Data engineering
  • Time measurement
  • Sensors


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