Does Greenland need a guideline on how to deal with moisture in the construction phase?

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Defects in buildings harm the reputation of the construction industry and the amount of defects is believed to represent a loss in economy. The purpose is to study whether the buildability concept could serve as an efficient tool for reduction of defects. The project includes a literature study and the development of a technical-probabilistic perspective on the building process in which an optimal amount of defects exists. Three levels of risk are defined as a basis for proposing strategies and rules for evaluation of risk of defects. It is concluded that a dynamic and flexible approach is needed, because different rules apply to different situations during the building period and because the economic potentials in better planning and in savings by a reduction of defects are different for different types of buildings.
Emneord: buildability, buildings, defects, risk
Periode14 mar. 2012
BegivenhedstitelArtek Event 2012
PlaceringSisimiut, GrønlandVis på kort


  • guideline
  • moisture
  • construction phase
  • Greenland
  • humidity risk classes
  • climatic conditions