IoT device identification - Cut and dimensionality reduced measurements

  • Alexander Korsvang Hagelskjær (Bidrager)
  • Mads Helge Jespersen (Bidrager)
  • Thomas Arildsen (Bidrager)
  • Elisabeth de Carvalho (Bidrager)
  • Petar Popovski (Bidrager)



This repository contains: - Cut measurements corresponding to all the original data, but reduced in bandwidth and augmented as described in the associated paper - The PCA dimensionality reduced data based on the single and multi user data. Frequency: 863-870 MHz (center 866,5 MHz) Sample Frequency: 10 MSPS Date of measurement: 15 November 2018 Location: Connectivity Lab, Fredrik Bajers Vej 7C, Aalborg University, Denmark
Dato for tilgængelighed2020
