Assessing synergies and conflicts between marine human activities in close spatial-temporal proximity

Bidragets oversatte titel: Vurdering af synergier og konflikter mellem menneskelige aktiviteter på havet som er rumligt-tidsligt beliggende tæt på hinanden

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskning


The pressures on marine ecosystems and on marine space are increasing with expanding marine human uses. Therefore, it is important to examine conflicts and synergies of interactions between marine human uses experiencing a close spatial-temporal proximity. A cross-sectoral theoretical framework to assess potential and actual spatial-temporal synergies and conflicts between marine uses is needed in maritime spatial planning.
One suggested solution to assess use-use interactions will be presented consisting of a pairwise matrix-based approach for spatial decision support tools to assess use-use conflicts and use-use synergies based on theoretical expert knowledge. The approach can be used at a larger regional basin-wide scale to produce raster-based maps that show potential conflicts and synergies between human-based marine uses. The theoretical knowledge can be explored with the purpose of minimising conflicts and increasing synergies in future scenarios by examining the matrix as well as producing different synergy maps and conflict maps. A focus on synergies can increase awareness of co-location options to optimise the use of space and decrease pressures on space elsewhere.
Bidragets oversatte titelVurdering af synergier og konflikter mellem menneskelige aktiviteter på havet som er rumligt-tidsligt beliggende tæt på hinanden
Publikationsdatoaug. 2019
StatusUdgivet - aug. 2019
BegivenhedBaltic Sea Science Congress: Making connections for the future - Aula magna, Frescati campus, Stockholm university, Stockholm, Stockholm, Sverige
Varighed: 19 aug. 201923 aug. 2019


KonferenceBaltic Sea Science Congress
LokationAula magna, Frescati campus, Stockholm university, Stockholm


  • Co-location
  • Cumulative environmental impact assessments
  • Marine spatial planning (MSP)
  • Spatial decision support tools (DSTs)
