Evaluating the Impact of Communication Network Performance on Supervisory Supermarket Control

Jacob Theilgaard Madsen, Tomasz Minko, Tatiana Kozlova Madsen, Hans-Peter Schwefel

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingArticle in proceedingResearchpeer-review


This paper addresses the evaluation of the impact
of non-ideal communication networks on system performance of
hierarchical control systems. It develops a stepwise evaluation
approach that is applied to the example scenario of a supervisory
controller for supermarket temperature control, addressing
scenarios of variable electricity prices. Based on the structure of
the message exchanges between supervisory and local controllers,
first the impact of deterministic delays on the information age
that is used by the controller to calculate set-points is analyzed.
Subsequently we investigate the impact of communication network
performance on the supermarket refrigeration control and
resulting energy costs using simulation models. The results show
that the controller is resilient to downstream information delays,
however upstream delays or up- and downstream information
loss can cause significant performance decrease.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2017 Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)
Number of pages8
PublisherIEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Publication date30 Aug 2017
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-5386-2146-2
Publication statusPublished - 30 Aug 2017
EventEuromicro Conference on Digital System Design 2017 - Vienna, Austria
Duration: 30 Aug 20171 Sept 2017


ConferenceEuromicro Conference on Digital System Design 2017
Internet address
SeriesEuromicro Conference. Proceedings


  • Networked Control
  • Smart Grids
  • Demand Management
  • Communication Network Performance


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    Wisniewski, R. (Project Manager), Bak-Jensen, B. (Project Coordinator), Bendtsen, J. D. (Project Coordinator), Bunzel, H. (Project Coordinator), De Persis, C. (Project Coordinator), Jung, O. (Project Coordinator), Leth, J.-J. (Project Coordinator), Madsen, T. K. (Project Coordinator), Kordheili, R. A. (Project Participant), Barradas Berglind, J. D. J. (Project Participant), Izadi-Zamanabadi, R. (Project Participant), Jaeschke, J. (Project Participant), Madsen, J. T. (Project Participant), Mahat, P. (Project Participant), Minko, T. (Project Participant), Neamtu, I. D. (Project Participant), Edlund, K. (Project Participant), Pillai, J. R. (Project Participant), Schwefel, H.-P. (Project Participant), Skogestad, S. (Project Participant), Sloth, C. (Project Participant), Thoegersen, P. (Project Participant) & Trip, S. (Project Participant)


    Project: Research

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