Learning Approaches - Final Report Sub-Project 4: ELAC - European and Latin American Consortium for IST EnhancedContinued Education in Environmental Management and Planning, Prepared for the European Commission, @LIS Europe Aid Co-operation Office under the contract ALA/2002/048-740

Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld, José Luis Rodríguez Illera, Anna Escofet

Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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The overall aim of Subproject 4 is to apply learning approaches that are appropriate and applicable using ICT. The task is made up of two components 4.1 dealing with learning approaches (see deliverable 4.1), and component 4.2 application of ICT (see deliverable 4.2, deliverable 4.3 & deliverable 4.4 (in Spanish), and deliverable 4.5. (in Spanish), which are attached in as Annex 1, 2, 3 and 4. Deliverable 4.1 provides a conceptual framework that has inspired the learning approaches in ELAC. The deliverable presents an overview of the overall approach and methodology used within the project, followed by a presentation of learning approaches, and the identification of pedagogic concepts and tools applied in e-Learning. The deliverable moreover has a list of produced working papers and articles from partners within the ELAC project with relevance for deliverable. Deliverable 4.2 focus on establishing an experimental infrastructure; Open-source software, Moodle as the learning management system and virtual learning environment (VLE); Pedagogical considerations on the selection of an open source virtual learning environment; Testing of pedagogical concepts and tools; Conceptual framework for the virtual learning laboratories and Resources for the virtual learning laboratories. Deliverable 4.3. & 4.4. (one report) focus on the capacitation programme developed for the Latin American partners. Moreover, it includes a description of the pilot courses developed of the Latin American partners. Deliverable 4.5 presents the training courses provided to the Latin American partners.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAalborg University
Number of pages26
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • innovative pedagogy
  • ict and learning
  • European-Latin American collaboration


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