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    Fibigerstræde , 11

    9220 Aalborg Ø




Business Design Lab is the world’s first interdisciplinary research center focusing on business models. We are currently engaging new academic and corporate partners. Get in touch by visiting our website: http://www.bdc.aau.dk/.

The Business Model field has over the past decade become a field of vast interest from business, political and academic perspectives. However, much progress has been consulting-driven, and research in the field is – if not lacking – then at least behind schedule.

There are at present only a few research groups and research communities worldwide focusing on business models. However, the research activities performed typically have a rather narrow entrepreneurship, innovation or commercialization perspective.

CREBS constitutes the first interdisciplinary center for Business Model research, in that the field is tackled from a variety of perspectives, e.g. policy-making, reporting, communication, finance and venture capital, strategic management, globalization, intellectual capital, networking, innovation, human resources, entrepreneurship, and performance measurement and management. Both micro, meso and macro level perspectives are represented.

Research secretary
Susanne Hansen
[email protected]
Tel (45) 99 40 71 11     


  • Ledelse og Organisation
  • Forskning i Forretningsmodeller
  • Strategisk management
  • Kommunikation
  • Finans
  • Globalisering
  • Innovation


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