Effects of conditioned pain modulation on Capsaicin-induced spreading muscle hyperalgesia in humans

Jürg Schliessbach, Andreas Siegenthaler, Thomas Graven-Nielsen, Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Michele Curatolo

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Objectives: Muscle pain can be associated with hyperalgesia that may spread outside the area of primary injury due to both peripheral and central sensitization. However, the influence of endogenous pain inhibition is yet unknown. This study investigated how endogenous pain inhibition might influence spreading hyperalgesia in experimental muscle pain. Methods: Conditioned pain modulation (CPM) was assessed in 30 male volunteers by cold pressor test at the non-dominant hand as conditioning and pressure pain thresholds (PPT) at the dominant 2nd toe as test stimuli. Subjects were classified as having inhibitory or facilitating CPM based on published reference values. Subsequently, muscle pain and hyperalgesia were induced by capsaicin injection into the non-dominant supraspinatus muscle. Before and 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 min later, PPTs were recorded at the supraspinatus, infraspinatus and deltoid muscle, ring finger and toe. Results: Compared to baseline, PPTs decreased at the supraspinatus, infraspinatus and deltoid muscle (p≤0.03), and increased at the finger and toe (p<0.001). In facilitating CPM (n=10), hyperalgesia occurred at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 40 min (p≤0.026). In inhibitory CPM (n=20), hyperalgesia only occurred after 10 and 15 min (p≤0.03). At the infraspinatus muscle, groups differed after 5 and 40 min (p≤0.008). Conclusions: The results suggest that facilitating CPM is associated with more spreading hyperalgesia than inhibitory CPM. This implies that poor endogenous pain modulation may predispose to muscle pain and spreading hyperalgesia after injury, and suggest that strategies to enhance endogenous pain modulation may provide clinical benefits.

TidsskriftScandinavian Journal of Pain
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)735-742
StatusUdgivet - 26 okt. 2023

Bibliografisk note

© 2023 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston.


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